Get What You Deserve: Salary Negotiation Tips for Women

The gender wage gap is a widely recognized indicator of women’s economic inequality. According to the Canadian Women’s Foundation, “75 cents on average is earned by full-time working women in Canada for every dollar men make.” Women must be strategic and actively negotiate their worth from the beginning, setting a standard and forming boundaries with leaders. When women stand up with confidence, asking for what they know they deserve, the wage gap continues to diminish, and we all need to do our part. 

Asking for more money can be intimidating, for men and women. Especially if you’re seeking out a company you admire and have placed a lot of value in obtaining the position. However, we encourage you to recognize your value, articulate your worth, and ask for what you want and deserve during negotiations so that you can land a position where you’ll thrive and contribute to your highest capacity.  

Here are a few negotiating tips that will help you get the offer you know you deserve. 

Do Your Research 

Evaluate the position, study the job description, explore comparative salary ranges, review similar job postings, and understand what your personal market value is. This can be based on your technical competencies, soft skills, experience, education, industry, or location. Arming yourself with industry knowledge and being able to articulate how you fulfill the key parameters of the job will show your employer that you’re proactive and serious about the position. 

Reframe the Conversation 

Instead of pointing out that you think you deserve more money, reframe the conversation to show where you have demonstrated the skills required in the past. Provide tangible examples of how you’ve contributed to the company performance targets, fulfilled specific tasks, exhibited leadership, motivated others, refined processes, improved efficiencies and how you’ve expanded your core skills and competencies on this job. If you can communicate how you are fulfilling the job to the highest degree, you should be compensated accordingly. The hiring manager will want to do everything they can (within reason) to make sure you choose their company if they can see your value proposition. 

Ask For What You Deserve 

Most people don’t truly understand their value, and women are often more comfortable accepting what is offered vs. pushing for negotiation. Traditionally, men have been known to be more assertive in asking for what they want. However, in today’s market, all employees deserve equal pay, and women are equally qualified and encouraged to be their own greatest champions during salary negotiations. Using your industry research and past achievements, you can feel confident asking for what you deserve, not just what you want.

When it comes to salary or performance reviews, you need to clearly understand the job so that you can communicate exactly how your technical competencies, soft skills, and contributions achieve performance targets. 

Consider Other Increases – Not Just Salary 

While you’re negotiating, it’s important to stay level headed and evaluate the total package that’s being offered to you. You can start with compensation, but remember it’s not just about base salary. You can also negotiate more personal time, working remotely, flexible hours, professional development funding, etc. Your job needs to support you and the lifestyle you desire.  

Listen and Use Your Silence Strategically 

Listen to what the hiring manager has to say, what their reasons are for the salary they’ve presented, and what they want to get out of your position. Using your silence, mull over the offer and consider all the facts. Showing that you’re a reasonable person who is interested in taking in all the details will show your confidence and interest in finding a middle ground that works for both parties involved. 

Negotiating is not everyone’s strength, and it can be intimidating if you don’t have much experience at it. Contact us to learn about our career coaching opportunities. We can personalize our coaching services to your needs, teaching you some of the most reliable negotiating strategies from some of the best negotiators in the industry. 

Contact us today to get started!

P: 403.264.2242

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