Career Hacks for Career Changers

Steve Jobs once said, “to do good work, you must love what you do.” And we couldn’t put it better if we tried! 

Your career takes up a third your life, so there is absolutely no point in grinding away, five days a week in a job you loathe. There is a vast difference between liking your job and loving it. 

We get it, making the decision to change your career path can be daunting, and it takes a lot of courage. The job market can be cutthroat, aggressive, and competitive, while the transition into a new role or industry can be a challenging and uncomfortable one. However, embracing this discomfort and taking the appropriate steps to learn, adapt, and reintegrate yourself is what will take your career to the next level.

Here are some tips we have for those ambitious people out there looking to make a pivotal change in their career:

Assess Yourself to Know the Work You’re Best Suited For 

Being self-aware, knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how those tie into what you’re truly passionate about is what will make you stand out when you’re looking for your dream career. 

Here at BullsEye Recruitment, we use a behavioural assessment tool called DISC. DISC measures work styles and personal preferences in order to provide valuable insights that can help you find the right job, with the right people. Rather than looking for any job, you’ll be searching for a career that suits you best.  

Understand the Job Market 

Do your research and find out the critical skills, tools, and traits that are needed to excel in the industry and position you’re seeking. Then, using your self-assessment, find where you fit. This doesn’t always come easy. Having a third party observe and provide you with feedback can be incredibly enlightening. Meeting with a Certified Coach, such as our very own Trevor Johnson, will give you access to the resources, skills, and support you need to realize your potential and find a role that suits your unique talents best. 

Set Goals and a Career Path 

Having actionable and achievable goals is key to putting yourself in line for right opportunities. Realizing that your career is more than just a job is the first step to achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself. But remember, these goals can always be changed or adapted along the way – it’s not always the destination, but the journey. 

Create a Strong Personal Brand 

Your brand is what will set you apart from other strong candidates. Personal branding not only makes you more attractive to employers, but it also provides a snapshot into who you are and what they can expect out your work ethic, before they even meet with you. Make sure you have a strong brand statement, defined goals, and a consistent image across all platforms online and in person when you’re networking. This is how you catch your future employers eye! 

Define Your Value 

Only you can know you’re worth, based on your unique traits, skills, and job experience. Make sure this is clearly communicated throughout the entire job application process. From the time you hand in your resume to when you’re negotiating your salary. Don’t undersell yourself. If this is the career that you’re meant to do, your worth is infinite. 

Make Informed Decisions About Your Career Path 

Gain experience, research the industry, and find out the nitty-gritty about the position you are looking to move in to. Network, take subject matter experts out for coffee, and meet with a mentor to find out everything you need to know before entering into a position you “think” you’re a fit for.  There is nothing worse than achieving your “dream job,” only to realize it’s not your dream after all. 

The best way to find a job that is the right fit and experience the career transition you need to achieve your goals is to work with a career coach. Our team here at BullsEye will help you determine what work you’re best suited for, learn the critical skills needed to obtain this position, strengthen your personal brand, and give you the confidence to define your value and thrive in your new career! 

Contact us today to book your 45-minute coaching consultation. We can’t wait to be a part of the process. 

P: 403.264.2242

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