Valuable Tips to Help Narrow Down your Career Goals

career goals; career; opportunity; recruitment; finance; accounting;

Choosing your career is hard, and having the courage to go out on a limb and switch careers is harder. Comfort is not your best friend, yet when you have a cushy well-paying job, it’s hard to walk away, even if the work you’re producing is no longer serving you in your personal and professional success. 

Some people get it figured out at an early age. They know what they want to do and take the steps required to get there – simple. The rest of us tend to take a few more detours and require some trial and error along the way. Both paths are equally as successful, but no matter what, it’s essential to set and establish clear career goals and objectives that will allow you to check-in and reconnect with your “why.” 

How do you ever know when you’re on the route to achieving career success with so many skills, interests, and passions? Here are five ways to narrow down your goals while reflecting on what you’ve done and where you would like to go. 

Make a Vision Board 

See it, dream it, and believe it! Creating a vision board that represents your professional and personal goals can be a fantastic reminder of what you love and where you see your life heading. Try separating it into sections that focus on skills, to do’s, dream career scenarios, industries you’re interested in etc. Put it up somewhere you will see it every day to remind yourself what future you’re actively working towards.  

Create a List of Measurable Steps 

It’s simple when something can be measured. It’s easier to make your way forward through each step proactively. General goals are good to have, but harder to tangibly accomplish. Making a list of small goals that collectively add up to one larger one is much more achievable. Celebrating the small wins will give you the drive to move forward in your new direction while boosting your confidence in knowing you’re well on your way to achieving career success. 

Decide What Sort Of Work Environment Works Best For You 

Maybe you’re a self-starter who prefers to work remotely. Perhaps you thrive in a team setting with well-established structures and processes in place, or you may enjoy a bit of both. This will help you narrow down the type of jobs you’re looking for while confirming the hours, pace, and work environment you need to prosper in your next role. 

What Would You Want to Do Even If You’re Not Getting Paid for It? 

Be honest by answering this question candidly with yourself. If you’d do it for free, then it’s a bonus if you can make a living. Although the answer might be a passion side-project that would be ruined if turned into an actual career, it can help point you in the right direction of a job that you will genuinely love. 

Reestablish Your Personal and Professional Values 

Figuring out where to take your career calls for a fundamental review of your values, character, and professional integrity. What do you value most in the brands and companies you support? Being confident in these values will help you narrow down your career options and even the dream companies you hope to work for someday. When your personal and professional values align, you’ll likely find yourself in a position that is a perfect fit. 

Decide What Sort Of Impact You Want To Make 

Perhaps you want to help the homeless, work with troubled youth, or contribute your efforts towards saving our environment or endangered species. Whatever it is, take the field you’re in and apply it to your passion cause. When your passions, strengths, and career merges, you’ll have found the sweet spot in your career journey. 

Are you in the midst of navigating the job market and shifting your career? 

Backed by over 20 years of experience, BullsEye Recruitment has built strong relationships with Calgary’s most sought-after employers. 

If you’re feeling dissatisfied in your current role, talk to us about how we can help you take control of your career and progress in a direction that suits you.
